Committed to the recruitment, training and skills-building, Training Institute for Leadership Enrichment (TILE) offers a myriad of programs to develop and incubate a generation of African-American women leaders. TILE’s goal is to increase the levels of women and in particular African American women in public leadership. Diversity and inclusion within the top ranks of corporate executive leadership, and at all levels of elected and appointed political leadership is TILE’s vision.
TILE believes that in order for urban communities, and African-American women in particular, to thrive, potential leaders must be identified and provided with the skills and tools of sustainable leadership. With the recent unveiling of the Dezie Woods Jones (DWJ) Public Policy Fellowship program, TILE continues its legacy of helping young leaders (16 – 30 years old) develop a deeper context of social justice issues while exploring system change methods and strategies to execute them. To get more information on TILE or the Dezie Woods Jones (DWJ) Fellowship Program, email staff@traininginstituteonline.